Author: Antonio Longo


War, peace and the world order

The wars just over the EU borders have brought back into focus the most demonic and evil form of power, i.e. military force. EU citizens have not been subjected to this kind of power for 80 years. Not because Italians, French, Germans and other Europeans have become pacifists or better people, but because a particular historical process has developed in...

Strategic compass. Some considerations on the EU’s role in the world

By Antonio Longo The Strategic Compass aims to cement the foundations for a shared vision for EU security and defence among European Union Member States. This Member State-led process was initiated in 2020 and finalized  on end of March 2022. This document is a schematic contribute to the debate on the “strategic compass” issue, in particular as regards to the...

Photo by Sander Crombach on Unsplash,

Building a Federation in the Middle East

The Middle East exploded once more this spring, around the crucial issue that fuels an interminable conflict: the Palestine question. Wars have been fought over it, and terrorist operations of various types have been conducted.  All in a setting that sees the great powers (the US and Russia) engaged in flexing their muscles, and exploiting states, political and terrorist movements...

A day and a year of change for the European Union

“Europe was born in a crisis and will be forged in crises”, Altiero Spinelli used to say, convinced that European unity was “the political project of our time”. 27th December 2020 will probably go down in Europeans’ collective memory as the day when the Union, as it began distributing the vaccine to all its member countries, showed that it was...

Ventotene still inspires us

There is growing awareness that, these days, mankind is faced with difficult choices. The unfair distribution of resources and power in the world, the resulting large-scale-migration, environmental crises and pandemics – also caused by a deteriorating connection between men, nature and the land – , the digital revolution and the conflicts between world powers; all these are signals that we...
