Category: Institutions

From national to supranational institutions
Articles that concern existing or nascent supranational institutions: the EU, the African Union, ASEAN, the UN, the WTO, the IMF, the WHO, and others.


War, peace and the world order

The wars just over the EU borders have brought back into focus the most demonic and evil form of power, i.e. military force. EU citizens have not been subjected to this kind of power for 80 years. Not because Italians, French, Germans and other Europeans have become pacifists or better people, but because a particular historical process has developed in...

A stronger EU for a new Stability and Growth Pact

The European debate on the new Stability and Growth Pact invests several European and global challenges at the same time. Each of these will have consequences for the others. And also for the balance of power between the “European government” and the member states. Over the past few years an impressive series of events has hit Europe (and the whole...

The Brussels Effect in Digital Policy: Why Does It Matter?

Since it was put forward by the European Commission in May 2020, the concept of “open strategic autonomy” has become a centrepiece of the EU’s action in its internal and external dimensions. Another relevant idea is that of the “Brussels Effect”, which refers to the unique way how EU rules are capable to exert global influence. Putting the two together,...

Europe and the Balkans: Which Enlargement?

“… ensuring that the ‘power of rules’ prevail over the ‘rules of power’…” Tanja Fajon, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia,  Bled Strategic Forum, 26-30 August 2022 Introduction As suggested by Tanja Fajon, ensuring that the power of rules prevails is the main challenge concerning the relationship between the Balkans and the EU. This challenge must be...

Strategic compass. Some considerations on the EU’s role in the world

By Antonio Longo The Strategic Compass aims to cement the foundations for a shared vision for EU security and defence among European Union Member States. This Member State-led process was initiated in 2020 and finalized  on end of March 2022. This document is a schematic contribute to the debate on the “strategic compass” issue, in particular as regards to the...

Appeal to the European Institutions – The Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Western Balkans: towards a European foreign policy

It is glaringly evident that strategic objectives and clear guidelines for a European foreign and security policy urgently need to be formulated.The European Union is committed to defining its role and taking action for a new “world order”, focusing on the development of multilateralism as the best way to govern global public goods.Europe’s neighbouring areas represent the most immediate test...

The IPCC report and the new commitments of the European Union

On August 9th, the IPCC Report (UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) was published. This report updated to 2020 is based on 14,000 studies carried out by experts from 195 countries. Within the 4,000-page report, the panel’s scientists analytically illustrate the climatic consequences in different geographical areas of the world due to CO2 and other greenhouse gases emitted into the...

EU economic governance after COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly shaped and speeded up the actions taken at European level, especially regarding the economic governance. As a consequence, also the debate about further reforms has been affected, as the previous agenda has been totally overcomed by the events. This crucial aspect about the future of the EU economic governance has been addressed, among others, by...

The European Model of Transnational Governance

Jaap Hoeksma (1948) studied philosophy of law at the Free University of Amsterdam. He worked with the Office of the High Commissioner of the United Nations for Refugees and published on asylum and refugee law. In 1992 he focussed  his attention on the newly established European Union, turned the EU into a board game about European democracy and developed the...

Europe after the Brits

Andrew Duff argues that the Union’s top priority is to settle the matter of how to elect the Commission in 2024. He believes that the EU should aim to have major constitutional reforms in place by 2029, including a renegotiation of the Brexit deal leading to new class of affiliate membership; completion of banking and capital markets union leading to...
