Category: Institutions


Europe’s Vanishing Sovereignty

In his memorable speech at the Sorbonne on 26 September 2017, the French President Emmanuel Macron presented a well-structured and convincing plan for relaunching the project of European unification, which has basically been on hold since the 2008 financial crisis. In this article I do not intend to discuss all of his proposals, which I myself agree with, but rather...

A day and a year of change for the European Union

“Europe was born in a crisis and will be forged in crises”, Altiero Spinelli used to say, convinced that European unity was “the political project of our time”. 27th December 2020 will probably go down in Europeans’ collective memory as the day when the Union, as it began distributing the vaccine to all its member countries, showed that it was...

For a Democratic European Power

The Covid crisis has made us all too aware of both our precarity and our interdependent destinies.   It has shown us the importance of Europe in this new multipolar world, and the need to unite against the immense ecological, economic, social, health and security challenges facing our societies.  Today the Europeans have an opportunity to make the European Union the...

European Democracy is not for sale: A call to Action!

The European Union is at a crucial turning point. The concrete implementation of the Recovery Plan, presented by the European Commission to save and relaunch a sustainable European economy, is bringing out conflicts on a decisive point. Should European financial resources allocated to national governments be linked to respect for the rule of law or not? Some governments, such as...

The future of Europe: no taboos

The Conference on the future of Europe should be convened by the end of the year. The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, announced it in her inaugural speech and the European Parliament recently urged that it be convened before the end of 2020 (Resolution of 18/6/20). Yet some unexpected obstacles risk drastically reducing the significance of...

The EU – UKRAINE Association Treaty

Did it go as we wanted, what are the benefits and how to continue? CHARTER OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS OF THE EUROPEAN UNION[1]: “The peoples of Europe, in creating an ever closer union among them, are resolved to share a peaceful future based on common values.” What do you think, in pursuing an association treaty with Ukraine, has Europe respected this...

Ursula von der Leyen

The Recovery Plan for Europe

A turning point for Europe and the World The coronavirus outbreak has shaken Europe and the whole world. It has put a stop to our most important freedoms, changing our way of living and working. Our healthcare systems have been put under severe stress and, most sadly, people have lost their loved ones. The public health challenge quickly became the...
