Category: Initiatives & Events

Initiatives and events for world citizenship and global democracy
Articles regarding the action organized by movements and groups for international reforms; in general, in favour of sustainable development, world citizenship, UN global democracy, etc.


24 February, European Resistance Day

Presentation of the Proposal There is a clear connection between the Ukrainian Resistance and the process of European unity, which was born during the Resistance to Nazi-fascism in order to ensure peace among the European peoples through the sharing of sovereignty in different areas, through the creation of common institutions and policies. For years now Ukraine has chosen to be...


Presentation The Proposal of a Manifesto for a Federal Europe: sovereign, social and ecological, was an idea born in 2021on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Ventotene Manifesto and during the development of the Conference on the Future of Europe. A total of 23 drafters (representatives of political organizations, federalist activists, academics and experts) and 60 supporters have...

Appeal to the European Institutions – The Mediterranean, the Middle East and the Western Balkans: towards a European foreign policy

It is glaringly evident that strategic objectives and clear guidelines for a European foreign and security policy urgently need to be formulated.The European Union is committed to defining its role and taking action for a new “world order”, focusing on the development of multilateralism as the best way to govern global public goods.Europe’s neighbouring areas represent the most immediate test...

Being young in Europe. Which future?

*A partnership The Ventotene Lighthouse / Eurobull Italian version at The world is changing, visibly and dramatically. The floods which hit Central Europe in July – the last in a long series of disasters – glaringly highlighted the unpredictable consequences of climate change, which is now giving rise to increasingly perilous, abrupt and chaotic meteorological phenomena. The situation appears...

For a Democratic European Power

The Covid crisis has made us all too aware of both our precarity and our interdependent destinies.   It has shown us the importance of Europe in this new multipolar world, and the need to unite against the immense ecological, economic, social, health and security challenges facing our societies.  Today the Europeans have an opportunity to make the European Union the...

Citizens Take Over Europe

Join our event on Tuesday! Launching a citizen-led conference on the future of Europe. Exciting news! We are happy to announce that we are organising a series of online events on the 15 December (starting at 17:30) & 14-15 January showcasing the vision for a dynamic, participatory and inclusive Conference on the Future of Europe.During these sessions, decision-makers, opinion leaders,...

European Democracy is not for sale: A call to Action!

The European Union is at a crucial turning point. The concrete implementation of the Recovery Plan, presented by the European Commission to save and relaunch a sustainable European economy, is bringing out conflicts on a decisive point. Should European financial resources allocated to national governments be linked to respect for the rule of law or not? Some governments, such as...

We the peoples

More than 200 civil society groups from over fifty countries, among them sixty that operate internationally, call on the United Nations […]

Coronavirus – For a Democratic Global Governance

An Appeal to national leaders and international institutions The coronavirus pandemic has caused a global health and economic crisis that requires global solutions. However, the national-international structure is unable to offer an adequate response to it. Thought leaders around the world – Saskia Sassen, Daniele Archibugi, Mary Burton, Garret Brown, Susan George,Richard Sennett, Erna Paris, Fernando Savater, Loris Zanatta, among...
