Author: Davide Giamborino


A stronger EU for a new Stability and Growth Pact

The European debate on the new Stability and Growth Pact invests several European and global challenges at the same time. Each of these will have consequences for the others. And also for the balance of power between the “European government” and the member states. Over the past few years an impressive series of events has hit Europe (and the whole...

EU economic governance after COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly shaped and speeded up the actions taken at European level, especially regarding the economic governance. As a consequence, also the debate about further reforms has been affected, as the previous agenda has been totally overcomed by the events. This crucial aspect about the future of the EU economic governance has been addressed, among others, by...

Governing the economic change

A challenge from the Recovery Plan for Europe The corona virus outbreak has provoked the most dramatic global humanitarian crisis in living memory. It forced a deep change in our way of living, keeping us apart from our friends and families and, most sadly, the casualties due to it keep climbing all over the world. At the same time, the...

Ursula von der Leyen

The Recovery Plan for Europe

A turning point for Europe and the World The coronavirus outbreak has shaken Europe and the whole world. It has put a stop to our most important freedoms, changing our way of living and working. Our healthcare systems have been put under severe stress and, most sadly, people have lost their loved ones. The public health challenge quickly became the...
